Born in Lübeck, Germany 29.07.1985
- Physiotherapy studies in the netherlands (2007-2011)
- Master (M.Sc.) Exercise Sciences (2011-2014) Deutsche Sporthochschule in Köln
- Freelancer Physiotherapist und Personal Trainer in Cologne, Fitness First (2013-2015)
- Freelancer Physiotherapist und Personal Trainer in Hamburg, Aspria (2015-2023)
- Physiotherapy Course: 'Manual Therapist'
- Self employed as 'Sportphysio Kröger' with Practice und PT Studio in Hamburg (2016-2023)
- certified as Nutrition Coach through 'Precision Nutrition'
- Since 2017 Teaching Health Courses at "Hamburger Bildungszentrum für Gesundheit (BZG)"
- Since 2020 teaching nutrition and medical fitness courses for IST-Studieninstitut